Bulk Scheduling Tool

Create a seamless flow of content without losing quality

Bulk scheduling is a social media tool designed to maintain an ongoing content strategy, mass upload posts, and save planning time with the help of automation.

The Benefits of Bulk Scheduling

Influencers, brands, and marketing agencies deal with high volumes of content and demanding posting schedules. A bulk scheduling tool can help you:

Save time on planning

Without bulk publishing, you have to repeat the same manual upload process multiple times, which can take away your focus from what really matters: the quality of content. Automation can simplify posting with no loss in functionality. Bring more meaning into your daily content management and leave the unnecessary routine to artificial intelligence.

Save time on planning

Manage posts from a single interface

Instead of going through the same posting procedure over and over again, you can use the uploading scheduler and go through all of the content post-by-post, making necessary adjustments to texts and images. You’ll also be able to edit the date and time of publications to change their order and preview the end result.

Manage posts from a single interface

Plan each month ahead

You can turn to bulk scheduling to create posting calendars a month or even more in advance. The most common use case of this tool is planning regular content during one working day and monitoring the statistics as the content automatically goes live. That way, you won’t run out of content unexpectedly — and will maintain consistency.

Plan each month ahead

Create a unified format for similar posts

As bulk scheduling is used for mass-upload posts on a single account — they will all have the same requirements for formats, sizes, and text length. You can leverage that and create a standard text to apply to all publications automatically. That is especially helpful for brands that state their contact information within each post.

Create a unified format for similar posts

How it works

1 - Choose one of the added accounts on your Onlypult dashboard.
2 - Upload and edit images and/or videos using the import feature for files.
3 - Use the Add post form button to add a standard text to all posts, or set them individually.
4 - Make adjustments to the scheduled date and time of the posts, and save them in the calendar.

What our customers say about us

Small and medium businesses

Social media presence is more of a necessity to us, and keeping up with all the different accounts on multiple platforms can be challenging. With bulk scheduling, we review and modify our posting calendar every two weeks keeping content regular and relevant.


Bulk scheduling works great when I need to take a break from my own blog and social media or decide to take a personal trip. I just manage the calendar to be sure I still have posts planned for the desired dates to keep my engagement levels intact.

Marketing agencies

We have several clients who order a month worth of posts in a single purchase. And Onlypult helps automate the uploading process and deliver a prepared bulk schedule for their social media accounts. Having all of them in one place is very convenient.

Maintain your social media presence with confidence and ease!


What platforms does Onlypult Bulk Scheduling work for?

You can use the bulk upload feature on all major social platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc. The full list is available on your Onlypult account.

Do I need to schedule each post individually?

You will have a one-window interface with posts placed one above the other where you can set a time and date for each post individually.

How can I edit my schedule?

If you need to move existing posts to different dates or times, the Calendar tool will help you visualize the current bulk schedule and make changes to it easily.

Can I use bulk uploading for Instagram?

Yes, just keep in mind that if you attempt to share too many simultaneous publications that are absolutely identical, Instagram might consider that suspicious behavior.

Does Onlypult have any limits for bulk posting?

We have to follow the guidelines and restrictions of social platforms: for example, the minimum consequent posting interval. As for bulk upload capability, Onlypult allows posting no more than 20 posts in one attempt.

Can I upload both images and videos?

Yes, just make sure they all match the format and size requirements of the media of choice.
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