Social media customer service

Customer support represents the resources within your business aimed to enhance the customer experience. A big part of that is maintaining a consistent social media presence by posting valuable user-oriented content regularly and being reachable on all platforms. Our social media management service can help you achieve those goals.

The benefits of a social customer care app

With high volumes of inquiries and multiple accounts to manage, a specific platform for social media management can help you:

Save time

Let your customer support team become a relationship-building service: take away the routine part of their jobs like manually sharing content across multiple social accounts and having to schedule new posts each day. With the extra resources and time on the agents’ hands, each customer is bound to get a more attentive approach.

Save time

Stay in touch

Sometimes even a short prompt message is enough to reassure the customer and increase brand loyalty. Use social media customer service to access and manage accounts on all platforms, on your phone, from your laptop, or wherever you are. Introduce managers to cover different time zones without giving them login data.

Stay in touch

Offer a personalized approach

Some customers prefer inquiring on Facebook — others would like to have an opportunity to DM you on Instagram, etc. Different clients expect different social support channels that are most convenient to them. Adapting to their specific current needs is a proven way to increase customer satisfaction and lifetime value.

Offer a personalized approach

Monitor the impact

Transparency can empower change, and knowing what exactly your customers are thinking about your brand is not just an industry trend — it is a necessity. Use the monitoring tools within the app to keep tracking social media mentions or run a competitor analysis to stay up-to-date with what they offer.

Monitor the impact

Useful tools


Posting represents a unified interface where you can access all social media platforms, create manager profiles with customized account access for efficient collaboration, upload and edit images, and preview posts.


Builder lets you create simple landing pages in a few clicks and do easy customization if you need to get customer feedback or add a short page to the description of your social media accounts.

How it works

Start your free trial with Onlypult and add all your social media. If necessary, add manager profiles.
Schedule new posts and review the analytics dashboards to get insights about content that performs best.
Plan content a month ahead with the calendar and redistribute the freed-up resources to focus on customer care.

Affordable solutions for everyone

Online businesses

We value our social media customer care unit, and Onlypult has helped us automate most of their routine interactions. An extended presence is vital to us, so we use the monitoring and scheduling tools to keep all accounts active and responsive.

Tech support

Onlypult enabled us to constantly review all incoming customer inquiries to identify the most common problems, prepare step-by-step guides, and slightly adjust and easily share them on all our social media platforms to lower our support agents' workload.


As a telecom company owner, I realize that we have to be on the frontlines of our social media accounts, especially to let our younger customers reach us in their preferred way. Monitoring mentions and competitors allow us to stay on top of our game.

Useful service features

Calendar for scheduling ahead


Bulk scheduling

Drafts section

Social media planner

Analytics section

Best-performing post selection

Built-in image and video editor

Data-based advice on the best publication time


Customer care teams cater to clients' needs: resolve issues or answer inquiries, and can be reached by customers on their own, via a call center, or a social media account.
To keep the customer happy, you need to be available on a convenient platform, keep all the accounts active, and publish helpful advice for the most common support inquiries.
Customer service is designed to make the customer feel heard and supported. A strong social media presence means accessibility and transparency — which finally results in a more trustworthy image for your brand.
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