Your audience avatar
Where to get ideas for new content? You need to identify tasks your audience is trying to solve, their pain points, address their concerns and objections. After you’ve discovered all those aspects, you can start creating content. If you know one pain point — it can become an excellent source for hundreds of different topics for your posts. Create an avatar of your audience. Once it is done, it will help you generate an unlimited number of ideas. You can come up with various ideas easier — they are precise, relevant to the point, and will hit your target audience.
Audience survey
The easiest way to understand what your audience wants is to ask them. It is a common approach to ask such questions as “What do you think my channel lacks? What topics would you like to be covered?”. Stories can be an efficient medium for it. You can add a field where people can ask questions and then add answers to Stories or only save them for your personal use in your content plan. Any comments that you have received will be helpful.
Opinion poll
It is pretty similar to the previous point. But the approach is slightly different. In this case, you will be looking for opinions that people have expressed elsewhere already. For example, you find places where other people have already asked similar questions. Yandex. Q where hundreds of people ask questions and millions of people answer them. You can choose particular topics and tags, use the search engine, and prepare your content based on these topics.
Niche analysis
Choose any platforms: blogs on Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Try to find popular accounts in your niche on these platforms. You can see what topics resonate with your audience. It can also be a good idea to check what topics are unpopular — to predict what will not work for your audience.