12 tricks for promoting an Instagram account

4 min read
31 July 2020

1. Publish new photos either in Stories or as posts

You should publish new photos on your account using both tools — stories and posts. The reason is that Instagram spots the shooting date and prioritizes newly made posts and pictures (although it isn’t a substantial factor, still, it matters). Nevertheless, if you want to upload an old photo, you should edit it. Open the editor and create a new date for your photo or video.

2. Share your lists

Titles are perfect for an audience; thus, listed content is also a great choice: “5 tips for…”, “7 worth reading books”, “10 TV series that you should watch”. Lists are what audiences like the most. They save this kind of posts, and saved publications are a crucial factor for the Instagram ranking algorithm.

3. Create high-quality videos for stories

When you create videos for your stories, try to keep the arm close to your body so that the device does not shake — the video will be smoother.

Capture stories using the camera app on your phone. Do not use an inbuilt camera tool for Stories, because the phone camera quality is higher than the one of Stories.

4. Reply to your followers with voice messages

Reply using voice messages. In this case, you will spend less time to answer, and your followers will appreciate a lot receiving such messages.

5. Manage your account yourself

You cannot fully delegate the management of your Instagram account. You can ask to help you with visual content, photos, editing texts, making up new ideas based on posts to use them for stories, for example. But you cannot delegate interacting with your audience or going live. In other words, you cannot ask someone to deliver the core message of your content.

6. Ask your audience questions

If you do not know what content to create for your blog, you can ask your audience. e.g.: “What are you interested in, and what should I do for you?”

Ask your audience. If you do so, you will get more feedback, you will engage the audience, and followers will appreciate it — and you will know what content you should make.

7. Do not be afraid of haters

Of course, many people are afraid of haters, but it is pointless. You should not be afraid of haters because, in real life, there is hardly a chance to meet someone who will tell you bad things in the face. If anybody says bad things about you online, it will never appear offline. Unfortunately, for some people being haters is a kind of hobby.

8. Do self-development

Maybe you never thought that creating an Instagram blog is not useful only for attracting clients and building a personal brand but also for self-development. When you start running your Instagram account, you develop your writing skills and creating visual content skills. You start taking better pictures, you improve your sense of style and learn how to share your ideas just in 15 seconds when making stories. When you go live, you learn how to interact with the audience and master your public-speaking skills. When you purchase advertising, you learn more about marketing, promotion, targeting audiences. Running an Instagram blog is a great tool that helps develop your personality.

Do not stop at this point, learn more, and share your pieces of knowledge with the audience.

9. Create a catchy profile picture

When you purchase traffic, or make some collaborations, or interact in the form of mutual PR, many users visit your page. First of all, they see your profile picture and bio. Here is a life hack: edit your profile picture and make it more contrast, more bright, set colors. It will help attract more people.

Then, people see your highlights. If you have entertaining highlights, people will stay at your page for longer, and you can give them more information.

The last thing people see is your posts.

10. Ask friends to support you

Ask ten, or, at least, five people to repost the core pieces of content you create. You can repost their publications as well. This way, you can support each other, and use your social capital to promote your projects.

11. Create posts you are interested in

Create only those posts that arouse emotions in you: the audience will like them more — you will feel it. Topics that resonate with you will also resonate with your audience. Moreover, it will be easier for you to create such posts, comparing to those that make you feel nothing.

12. Create spare posts

You should have about five spare posts for publishing. You cannot wait for the inspiration to come neglecting the schedule.