How to write amazing texts and outperform competitors on Instagram

3 min read
21 July 2021

There are two approaches to content writing and profile design: marketing and scenario..

Marketing approach

The marketing approach follows an AIDA model dating back to the early XX century when catalog sales were widespread in the USA. A small message in the catalog had to attract the attention of potential clients and encourage them to order a product or a service.

AIDA is an abbreviation that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. This way, when we write a post, we have to attract attention, interest, desire, action – in the same order.

  1. Attention. The headline needs to attract people’s attention. For example, it can be an unusual question, intrigue, or conflict statement. In any case, the headline should match the topic of the post.
  2. Interest. You can make potential customers interested in your content by talking about their pains. When starting a blog, analyze your target audience and determine their pains and your solutions to deal with them. After mentioning specific pains in the title of your article, address these pains in the first paragraph.
  3. Desire should be integrated into the content of your post. The post should naturally promote your personal brand and generate interest in your services or products.
  4. Action is left for the last paragraph. You need to encourage the reader to do specific actions — give a like, write a comment, order your service – by using triggers. A trigger is a call to action with a time-limited offer or a question. To make your followers write comments, you can ask a question at the end of the text or suggest them sharing their experience (all people love to talk about themselves).

Scenario approach

The second approach to effective text-writing is drama. Authors and bloggers on Instagram use a specific writing technique to make users carefully read texts, watch movies, interact with social media posts.

The drama genre implies several text writing rules.

  1. Conflict. You need to state the problem, same as when getting user attention in the Interest part of the AIDA model.
  2. Twists and turns You should rotate nice and bad moments. When a negative moment comes, the readers get tense, and when a good one does, they relax.
  3. Suspense is the moment of the greatest tension when it is not clear what will happen next.
  4. Catharsis is the release of emotions. It can be laughter, tears, or relief.

Rules for engaging text-writing

  1. Don’t use confusing words. Every word in your text should be concise and clear. However, never insert copy-paste texts from Google; your content must be original and unique.
  2. Avoid providing only crucial facts. Instead, give different examples, mention case studies, refer to the statistics and your life stories.
  3. Your text should be interesting to read.
  4. The text needs to be divided into paragraphs.
  5. Explore your writing style: interviews, humor, monologues, videos, IGTVs.
  6. Define your tone of voice when creating content.