How to write posts on Instagram

5 min read
1 May 2020

How to start writing posts?

1. Make notes

Notes, for example, on Evernote, make a list of ideas that come up to you whilу you are watching a TV show or doing sport. You can note down any ideas, then choose the 2-3 ideas that are interesting enough, and write fully-fledged posts after.

2. Find a place where you feel comfortable to write

It is important to find a comfortable place for writing posts. A place where no one can disturb you.

3. Try drafting first

If you get down to writing and it doesn’t work very well - just start writing and draft whatever comes to mind. This technique works very well. At first, it might seem quite difficult, especially if you have never written before. Just practice and as you get the hang of it, it will be taking far less time.

What to write about on Instagram?

Check facts

If you want your followers to trust you, buy your services and products, and invite you to certain events, check the facts you mention in your posts.

If you want to get more money from advertising, you should work on your reputation from the very beginning. If you post a couple of factoids, you will simply devalue yourself in the eyes of your audience.

Be sincere

Another important thing - you should be sincere with your audience. If you are not used to sharing information about yourself and your private life, you shouldn’t do it, but try to reveal a bit of yourself in every new post. Also, try leaving your comfort zone step by step and reveal a bit more about yourself. Sincerity helps increase sales and build rapport and trust between you and your audience.

Sincerity is a 100% must when building a personal brand.

Write simply

It is one of the most common mistakes – to write in a formal style and use word combinations a person never uses in a conversation.

Your task is to write in such a manner that a person reading it could hear your voice. Use spoken and everyday language. There is no need for elaborate phrases and complicated terms. Make your text as simple as possible.

Find your own “voice”

Try to work out your tone and voice in your texts and be on the same wavelength as your followers. Don’t try to talk down to them or be a “teacher” that preaches. Get closer to your audience, be more relaxed on social networks.

Diversify your content

Alternate your content: useful posts, positive posts, and posts with negative emotions —things that irritate you — and share it with your audience. Such an approach will cause emotional “swings” amongst your audience and contribute to increased traffic. Don’t forget to mix: useful ones, positive ones, and negative ones.

What you shouldn’t write about:

  1. Don’t scrape the bottom of the barrel. If you force yourself to write about topics you are not interested in, your audience is sure to notice. Such posts won’t work well - you will get fewer likes and comments. An ideal post is one that triggers emotional feedback and makes you want to share it with your audience. Write only about things that engage you.
  2. Also, you shouldn’t cover hot topics if they are of no interest to you. It is not right to blindly follow the trends that don’t resonate with you.
  3. Don’t write what you don’t know. Most of all, the audience appreciates your personal stories. If you don’t know what to write about, try sharing an anecdote from your life. A story you lived through works better than a topic that has nothing to do with you.

How to style posts on Instagram?

The first line

Try to make the headline and the first line of the post teasing and clickable, so that it stirs readers’ emotions and entices the desire to read. Build up tension in the first line. The person should get interested in your post and start reading further, they should fall into your text. But don’t overdo it.


When you write a post for Instagram, bear in mind that typography is very important.

Space symbol

It is a big mistake to write a continuous text without spaces or blank lines. It is illegible and takes a lot of effort to read until the end.

Arrange your text in a way that one paragraph tells about one thought or idea. Compose your text out of such paragraphs, it will be much easier to read your text.

The technical side of the issue: you can use a space symbol. Google the “space symbol” and copy it. To make it work correctly, you should check that there are no extra space symbols, then carry on writing. In this case, you will get a blank line inserted.

Obviously, on Instagram it is not very convenient – they still haven’t updated the app, and you still have to paste those empty symbols, but that is how it works.

You can simply use dots - it is also an option. Just put a dot or two instead of an empty line and write over them.


Use emoji only to emphasize something. Don’t write texts full of emojis. A good text is one that conveys all its points using only words. Emojis are just the icing on the cake, that adds a bit of flavor to the text.


Editing is very important: proof-read to spot mistakes and logical errors. Try to read from somebody else’s perspective. Is everything clear? Is it logical? If yes – make the post.


Regularity is always important, and Instagram is no exception. If you decide to make three posts a week, then stick to it. If you aimed at five, make five. Regularity is important for you not to give up, and for your audience not to forget you.

Write as much as you can. The more and more often you will write, the better your writing will become.

Practice, write often, write more — and it will become easier and easier for you.