Three common myths about TikTok

3 min read
10 June 2021

1. Only children use TikTok

As everyone has already mentioned, TikTok reminds Instagram five years ago, when any goal was easy to reach. The users enjoyed great organic reach and opportunities to grow the audience just in two weeks. However, these days many people go on thinking that only kids use TikTok, meaning that “their target audience is not there”.

Let’s look at the statistics. Last year, TikTok surpassed Instagram in terms of the number of users, reaching one billion. This number continues to grow, in contrast to Instagram, where user growth has noticeably decreased over the past few years.

For comparison, Instagram statistics show that 67% of users are between 18 and 29 years old. And on TikTok, 70% of users are between 16 and 25 years old. As you can see, the difference is not that obvious.

Of course, TikTok has a slightly younger audience than Instagram. But don’t forget that five years ago, the youth got tired of Facebook and switched to Instagram. The same thing is happening now: young users have got tired of Instagram, actively switching to TikTok instead.

2. You should know how to dance on TikTok

Another argument against TikTok is that you must create dancing videos. It’s not true. There is a lot of expert content on this social platform. Politics, feminism, physics, psychology – and many other expert videos gaining millions of views, with their creators attracting thousands of followers.

TikTok has very smart algorithms. When you open TikTok and see only dancers or memes, it means that this is what you are interested in. TikTok knows exactly what videos to show, so your expert content will get directly to your target audience. TikTok will show it to people who are truly interested in it. So far, it’s still free.

3. TikTok is a temporary phenomenon

TikTok has been around for over five years now. Last year, TikTok was under Trump’s sanctions and multiple legal and bureaucratic issues connected with China and the United States, where most of the company’s shares are located. Since TikTok managed to survive these problems plus the crisis, it won’t disappear. Nowadays, TikTok is not just a trend — this app is our reality.

The algorithms have changed, and it has become a bit more difficult to gain views than it was a year ago. Back then, you could create content of any quality on any topic, not bother with editing, and the video could get millions of views. Well, now it’s different.

If you are still in doubt, have a look at corporate accounts on TikTok. Nevertheless, TikTok still lacks cool expert content. Accordingly, you can occupy this niche. And if you make great content interesting to listen to and watch, if you have bright ideas to share with the whole world, think about TikTok.