TOP 3 new Instagram stories formats

3 min read
19 November 2020

In recent years, Stories have grown incredibly, and now the phrase “Stories First” sounds more and more often. Stories are becoming the most suitable format of representation on social networks. In this regard, things are changing: 80% of users watch stories more often than they read posts. But what is important is that most accounts create Stories in the old way, as something additional, minor, aimed at only a few things, but in fact, they are becoming more and more informative. Today we will take a look at three new Stories formats and how to work with them.

1. Informative Stories

Informative stories are stories that contain as much text as possible. At first glance, it seems like no one will read them. But it is not true — people read them, save them, take screenshots, and most importantly, people take targeted actions after reading — follow the links, register, send applications.

2. Stories sets

The second format is even more surprising — long video Stories sets. People watch more and more stories every day. Before their limit was two or three stories at a time, four was too much, but now the number of Stories they watch is increasing all the time.

The Stories feed forms reach according to two aspects: the first one is visibility, and the second one — activity. The more people watch your Stories till the end and not just skip, and the bigger the number of reactions to your them is, the more people see it. Moreover, the reach of your posts on the main feed also increases. Stories and the main feed are interconnected now. They used to be two completely different formats and hardly influenced each other, but now they directly affect each other.

Therefore, it is important to create long informative Story sets. They should not be long but well-structured, brief, and without any distractions.

3. Instagram games

The third format is the most unusual one — it is the format of games in Stories.

Instagram games are one of the biggest trends right now. That is a special format that is used to play with the audience. There are simple formats and big quests.

Why is it important? On the one hand, it increases your audience’s loyalty — games are thematic quite often. On the other hand, this format increases the number of views.


The uncomplicated format of games is the quiz. For example, “true or false.” After the user chooses one of the answers, true or false, the next story will show the correct answer.


The uncomplicated format of games is the quiz. For example, “true or false.” After the user chooses one of the answers, true or false, the next story will show the correct answer.

Bacardi game

It is a classic example already — one of the first raucous Instagram games is the Bacardi game. In fact, it is a virtual DJ. There are eight stories with pre-recorded pieces of DJ sets. The person moves between them, skipping the Stories. Due to this, each time the user goes to a new piece as if playing on records, it sounds very interesting.

How to create stories

  1. By yourself, using Instagram features;
  2. Using special applications. For example, InShot;
  3. With the help of specialists: designers or motion designers.

As we can see, Stories have changed a lot - they are becoming more and more interactive. Users create new formats, and due to the informativeness, Instagram finds new opportunities for sharing information.