Where to get ideas for Instagram posts

3 min read
28 December 2020

You can find ideas everywhere, but you should know how to see them. Let’s take a look at the solutions to generate lots of post ideas and create a complete, engaging, and powerful content plan.

5 ways to find ideas for your Instagram posts

1. Working out objections

Talk to your employees dealing with customers and ask about the most common objections they hear.

For example: ‘No, it’s too expensive.’

If a customer says so, you can create a series of posts on price calculation as well as tips on how not to overpay. Justify the price, even if it’s high, and let people gain insights into pricing policies.

A few more examples of objections are: Are you a professional? Do you have wide experience?

Tell people about yourself and your experience. Give cases and examples.

2. Feedback from customers

Chat with your customers. Most importantly, you should know the challenges and pains of your audience.

Challenges are situations a person wants to solve: spending quality time with their family, having fun, learning a specific skill.

A problem or pain is something that a person wants to get rid of. These are toothaches, difficulties with employees, family problems.

Learn more about the pains of your audience. Next, create videos, write related posts; discuss this topic live and in Stories, and explain how your product can fix the problem. For example, how your workshop can combat a decline in sales. How to get rid of a toothache. If you know what concerns the audience, you can sell more, better, and more confidently.

There is an important misconception that the value of content is in its design or beauty. That’s not true: content value lies in how it matches your audience, how deeply it hits their hearts. Therefore, it is essential to work with the target audience correctly, to know their challenges and problems.

3. Social media networks

Find the platforms your target audience uses the most: Instagram, Facebook. Let’s imagine you have a travel agency in Fresno. You can search for a community like ‘Fresno traveling’.

4. Related spheres

To give an example, you have a SPA center. Cosmetology centers are probably not your direct competitors, but there might be your audience. So, you should analyze their audiences, the platforms they use, and gain key insights. Check the discussions as well.

Consider using Popsters service to check what posts are the most frequently discussed, popular, and relevant. Choose the topics for your future content. Remember that you can’t simply copy-paste users’ content. And don’t forget to pay attention to what your audience is focused on.

5. Forums

The next source of new ideas for your publications is forums. Believe it or not, they still exist. You can find theme forums and branches with thousands of different discussions.

Forums have a high dynamics rate. Everyday users create new discussions and leave messages. You can read them and check common questions. You can also answer those questions.