It is a great time for coaching: brands and influencers are learning how to think critically – to analyze and systemize information by choosing the best content.
The formats are only limited by your imagination: it can be traditional texts, advertising videos, animation, photos, and less traditional content – infographics, illustrations, interactive series, podcasts, comics, and reality-shows.
The main advantage of social networks is the ability to test a hypothesis. If you think that the idea is going to work – implement it, allocate a minimal budget for advertising, and analyze the results.
There are 5 types of content for businesses and influencers – expert, entertaining, engaging, selling, and viral. In this article, we are going to tell you what type of content you need.
Expert content
Through your expertise, you can show your deep knowledge and express your opinion as a professional in your field.
Search for topics through new trends
In 2024, the trends are going to be: wellness, mental health, ecology, nutrition, and equal rights for women. No doubt, these topics will have an impact on the popularity of certain content.
Celebrities actively follow these trends. For example, a popular singer Billie Eilish is going to devote her world tour in 2020 to ecological problems. She has signed a contract with a non-profit organization Reverb: they will help organize the tour in the most ecologically-friendly way.
Creating a special interest community
Special interest communities are on the rise. The demand for them can be easily explained: in these communities you can get professional help and expertise for a price that is lower than that of a private consultation. Such communities can be commercial – each member pays a monthly subscription fee.
Moreover, there is always a chance to ask for advice from the co-members of the community you are in.
The Girlboss project by Sophia Amoruso has turned into such a community: now beta-testing is in progress.

The idea of the project is to unite completely different women.
Private feedback for doughnuts
Bloggers’ objectivity is becoming more valuable. Followers are more likely to support their favorite characters on such platforms as Patreon than to believe in texts that have been paid for.
Popular platforms like @thingtesting post brand reviews without advertising.

Make-up, clothes, magazines – there are no limitations on their reviews.
This trend is also related to the rising interest in nano-bloggers (with less than 10000 followers). Their opinion doesn’t look sponsored, more like a friends’ recommendation. These types of accounts and their content don’t look disorderly.
Alexis Baker has a little over 3000 followers, but she is already advertising cosmetics and jewelry brands. Thanks to their high engagement, brands greatly increase their customers’ activities.

Alexis Baker wins contracts even though her audience is a little over 3K.
Entertainment content
No one opens Instagram or any other social network with the thought: “I want to learn something new!” Most likely it is a wish to relax and be in good spirits.
Entertainment video-content
The demand for video-content is ever-growing. IGTV videos don’t require special editing, that is why users always get the “here and now” feeling from those videos.
It is not always something sophisticated. For example, Netflix has posted a video with an actor Cole Sprouse eating a burger for one hour.

1 hour of Cole Sprouse eating a burger on the Netflix Instagram account.
The ability to laugh at yourself is an art. It is especially important if the topic of the account is difficult to promote. Here are some good examples:
You can see attractive and humorous content in the account of toilet paper manufacturer PlantPAPER. They are also eco-friendly.

The account of PlantPAPER, a toilet paper manufacturer.
These are the happy moments that will help you to feel a moment of contentment – it can be an advent calendar or something more serious, like a short trip.
Every day in December the account of a popular culinary magazine Super Food Ideas was posting a mouth-watering picture of a dish for a festive table.

The advent calendar of festive dishes.
Virtual characters
Unusual characters will be appearing on social networks in 2024. A perfect example is the bee-influencer created by the Fondation de France independent administrative office.
Its Instagram account shows a pampered life – a prestigious job, trips, and yoga classes. The aim is to attract attention to active measures aimed at protecting all kinds of bees.

The bee lives a typical life of a blogger.
Engaging content
Primarily, social networks are methods of fast communication. This is why the primary task of this type of content is to have a dialogue with the readers. Such posts are meant to engage people into a conversation: answer in the comments, direct messages and stories.
User-generated content (UGC)
It is the content generated by users themselves: often by brand ambassadors.
When we see celebrities mentioning their cooperation with a certain brand, in 99% of cases it is an advertising post. UGC is generated by ordinary people like us.
The only thing you need to do is ask the user for permission to repost their content to your official account not to infringe the author’s rights.

The GoPro account is based on UGC.
With the help of masks, you can also trigger people to produce UGC content and spark interest. At the beginning of 2024 filter tests are especially popular.
The first mask “What Disney princess are you?” was created by @kevinsstorm.

A filter test “What Disney princess are you?”
Out of all famous Instagram-masks, a mask by @johwska is worth mentioning. This mask is like a glossy film with colorful patches on your face.

A mask by @johwska
The mask where 3 faces spin simultaneously: account by @exitsimulation.

A mask by a user @exitsimulation
You can create masks yourself with the help of the Spark AR Studion service that has a website where you can find a lot of tutorials.
Video subtitles
This is relevant for people who scroll the feed in public places but can’t turn on the sound.
In the subtitles, it is worth writing the main ideas that you bring up in your videos to make it more convenient to watch in public places.
It is one of the most favored by users types of content. Riddles and games are very engaging: people feel like giving a like or leaving a comment.
Lego suggests that you guess which of the four options is the mirror image of the main lego man.

Lego engages followers with the help of gamification.
Selling content
Monetization plays an important role both for brands and bloggers or experts. It has been a long time since they resorted to hard selling in their selling posts. Sales are now more often achieved through a fair review of a product or a service.
Influencers in your team
Users are interested in people behind the screen. Brand ambassadors don’t need to be celebrities and influencers. It is more valuable that the employees sincerely like the company they work for and actively use their products and services.
A sense of nostalgia
The companies that remade the products of the 90’s generation note an active sales growth. The new “Lion King” and “Baby Yoda” are the big hits of last year.

Sharing economy
Consumers and companies are switching to the sharing economy – it is a culture of shared consumption. The trend was inspired by eco-awareness and unwillingness to overpay., Netflix, Airbnb are examples of companies that apply the sharing economy principle. In 2024 all of us will be renting more and buying less.
Branded feed
The feed will be personalized according to certain brands with the help of filters, fonts, unified style, and graphic elements.

The use of the color blocking style by Canva
Viral content
“How come you still haven’t seen it?” – this is the type of message friends keep sending to each other if we are dealing with viral content. Not every post will go viral, but it can be one of the issues to work on when it comes to marketing strategy.
Global research
Unusual experiments and challenges help see a certain problem from a different angle. Online Doctor a British company, suggested that graphic designers from all around the world should edit a photo of a model. The aim is to make the model attractive for the citizens of different countries.
The project has shown how impossible it is to constantly fit in and adjust yourself to social pressure.

A project changing beauty standards
Collaborations reach a new level. To use collaborations for your content, don’t be scared to push boundaries: it is important to choose new collaboration options.
To promote its juice makers, Philips has collaborated with the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum on a project called “Taste a Dutch Masterjuice!” (translated from Dutch).
In the halls of the museum copies of famous works were displayed: there weren’t any usual fruit or vegetables. When a user was specifying what was wrong with the picture, one of the staff would “take out” fruit or a vegetable and make juice with the help of a juicer.

The advertising campaign by Philips and Amsterdam museum Rijksmuseum
Memes created for a certain product
They should correspond to at least two criteria – be funny and comply with the policy of the brand. A perfect example is to support all international brands that everyone is talking about.
The Perrotin gallery has created a separate Instagram account where it publishes memes with Cattelan’s banana – a banana that is taped to a wall.

Memes about the famous banana taped to a wall
Art series for an anticipated event
Illustrations depicting what is happening to us right now often go viral. They are often picked up by entertainment media and blogs.
An artist, inspired by celebrities’ unusual Grammy outfits made a series of pictures where celebrities train Pokémons.

Singer Ariana Grande with a Pokémon.
A digital approach in the fashion and beauty industry
Due to the appearance of shopping tags on Instagram, now there is a demand for apps where you can try items on without having to go outside. This trend for AR-technologies will be growing.
The Makeup Genius app from L’Oreal Paris is using the same principle: with the help of the facial and color recognition program users can try the beauty products of the brand.

You can also try make-up products online.
There is no need to use all these types of content in your content strategy. A long-term strategy is a thing of the past. Flexibility is the norm.
Track memes and world trends, implement successful cases that you like but always consider your target audience. Without basic data and understanding of the content-marketing aims and objectives, it is pointless to get down to drawing up a content-plan.
- Algorithms have taught us to get hints in the form of targeted advertising: according to statistics announced at the Wonder Power conference, 80% of customers choose products that are recommended to them.
- The main trend is content personalization. Advertising is not the only source of information when it comes to making a purchasing decision, even if it’s made by their favorite blogger. Duplicate or non-customized content stands no chances at all and can cause nothing but irritation.
- Followers are not just numbers on a profile, but the people who share the values and ideals of a person or a company that runs the platform. The members of the team themselves become the ambassadors of the brand.
- Use the traditional classification of the content types. They are – expert, entertaining, engaging, selling, and viral content. Don’t forget to follow the trends as well and implement new ideas.
- Keep your content strategy more flexible. Don’t plan for a year, even though it was still popular a couple of years ago. Carry out your market research, watch memes and track recent international trends.