How brands achieve business indicators on Twitter

5 min read
28 July 2022

Every year the platform is told to be on its wane. However, more than 211 million daily active users, according to Statista, prove the opposite: interest in the platform is only growing.

This article tells you what will help you successfully maintain a Twitter account.

Analyze the competition

Before you start elaborating a content plan for Twitter, it is worth analyzing direct and indirect competitors. Add hashtag keyword analysis to the search. Carefully study the last few months of posting to create your own unique content strategy.

Audit your account every two months

Like any other social network, Twitter is a part of the brand marketing strategy. In order to effectively use all the tools, it is worth auditing them every few months, which most companies forget to do.

The name life hack. It is advisable to add a CTA to the brand name (a call to action). Make sure you have the correct logo and banner that visually explains what the business is doing. The information in the profile shall be up-to-date, and the posted link brings users to the right site.

A banner is an opportunity for a brand to show its unique personality and become more creative. Your strategy determines the choice of an image. Make sure it matches the overall visual style of the company.

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What is new on Twitter in 2022: what the platform offers now and what features are being developed

Social media algorithms are changing — such changes force the platforms to work actively on their current strategies.

Follow the analytics

Track the content to learn what types get the most reactions and comments and who your subscribers are — age, location, etc. Does the current audience profile match the desired one? Who do you want to reach? What are the interests and pain points of the target audience? What type of content can hold their attention better?

Track when the activity is at its peak to choose the best time to post content.

Create content that targets your audience

As in other media, the content on Twitter falls into the educational and entertaining categories. Twitter is ideal for communicating with the audience, so if the content does not encourage users to comment or retweet, it might be useless to publish it?

Devote a separate part of the content plan to multimedia tweets: according to statistics, tweets with images or videos receive more retweets. A variety of content will make the feed fresh and catchy.

Videos with frames from well-known cartoons. Source

Another working tool is chats. Direct communication with followers is a vital component of content marketing. It increases brand loyalty, allows you to test new products and services faster, and makes the brand more accessible.

You can make Twitter chats part of your content strategy. Publish, for example, FAQs and answers. Or make a separate Q&A column and let the audience know that the brand is open to communication.

Optimize your content

If no one sees the tweets, then there is no point in publishing. Develop strategies for optimizing content. One of the simple and familiar ways to do this is hashtags. Try to use no more than two relevant hashtags per tweet. Too many hashtags will make tweets spam.

Track popular hashtags — on the right in the general feed. Check whether it is possible to make any of the categories fit a popular hashtag. Trending hashtags are an opportunity to get more organic traffic and reach.

Focus on humor and pop culture trends

A vital Twitter advantage for users is providing fast and up-to-date content. It means that each tweet should be as informative as possible and cover current topics of concern to the audience.

It is crucial to be aware of pop culture trends and current news: movie premieres, TV series, and memes. But please use the trends organically and skilfully, and fit them into the recent concept and strategy so that it does not look artificial.

The ability to joke and perceive jokes will help the audience feel more comfortable. But when it comes to humor — make sure that the content is directly related to the business. After all, the goal is to promote the brand, not to become a stand-up artist.

Don’t use crossposting

Remember that a subscriber may already follow the brand on several social networks. Do not duplicate the content. Find creative solutions to publish the same message on different platforms. For example, experiment with the length of messages or use emojis.

Give your audience a reason to check Twitter, even if they have already seen an Instagram or TikTok post or received a newsletter.

Give users an exclusive content

Invite your audience on different platforms to subscribe to a Twitter account. However, to make it more catchy for users to follow the brand on several sites at once, publish something unique.

It may concern both the content itself, as well as discounts, unique offers, and giveaways. For example, only on Twitter promo codes with limited time validity are available. Or make it a platform where you hold contests with valuable prizes.

It will take time before you see the first activity on Twitter, and sometimes it may seem there is no reaction to your tweets. Be consistent in implementing content plan — the audience will find you sooner or later.