Twitter is a social network where people from all over the world communicate with each other. Each new user goes through the registration procedure, filling in a standard form with personal information.
You can either fill your account with detailed information or keep it to a minimum, and the same goes for your contacts. For sociable people, quick and accurate identification is more important, whereas secretive people don’t need it.
In the event that your current Twitter username is unacceptable, whether it’s outdated or you simply don’t like it, it’s easy to change it. Let’s find out how.
What is a Twitter handle?
A Twitter handle is a unique identifier. It is displayed with the @ sign and serves as a login. Many Twitter users want to change their handle to make it shorter, more concise and memorable.
Changing the username that appears after the “@” symbol (for example, @ OleX_One) means changing the URL address, so people who have added a link to your Twitter profile to their bookmarks will no longer be able to use it.

Why Change Your Twitter Display Name or Handle?
There are several reasons why a user might want to update their Twitter username:
- The current username was a joke that has already lost its relevance.
- The username was associated with something that no longer has any meaning for the person.
- The username was something frivolous, not corresponding to the person’s identity.
- The username does not comply with the rules of business etiquette. After all, if, for example, you are looking for a job on Twitter or even just want to make a good impression on people, then your username can be something original, but you should not associate it with something rude, indecent, etc.
- The name could get boring.
How to Change Your Twitter Handle
In the event that your current Twitter username becomes unacceptable, it will not be difficult to change it. Let’s find out how you can change your Twitter handle from a computer and the mobile app.
Changing the Twitter Handle from the web version:
1. Open Twitter
Note: If you’ve already navigated to and can see your account page, that means you are already in the system. Go straight to step 3.

2. Log in to your Twitter account
To do this, enter your username and your password. The corresponding cells are located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then click “Log in” to continue further. If you have forgotten your username, you can enter your registered email address or mobile phone number. If you can’t remember your password, click on the link that says “Forgot your password?”
3. Click on the three dots icon in the left corner
The “More” icon is located in the lower left corner of the open window. Select “Settings and Privacy”. This is the third option from the bottom after the drop-down menu appears.

4. Go to the “Account Information” section
This section is on the first line in the right corner.

5. Go to the Username section
Enter the desired new username in the specified cell. At the top of the page you will see a special text field. By default, it displays your current name.
Enter a new name here. After completing the input, the system will automatically check its availability within a few seconds.

If the username you entered was already taken by someone else on Twitter , come up with another name. You can also slightly change the desired name, for example by changing its spelling or adding one or more digits.
6. Select “Save”
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find this button.

7. Check your profile
You should see the new username that you just entered. Make sure the name has been changed. If you have done everything correctly, the changes will take effect instantly.

How to change your Twitter handle on the mobile version
To change your Twitter username using the mobile app, follow these steps.
Open the Twitter app on your smartphone
Log in to your account.

Open the Menu
Select Settings and Privacy from the menu.

On the next page, select Your Account.
Select a Username and enter a new handle instead of the current one.

Click “Done”
After you change the username, click “Done”.

When to have multiple Twitter handles for your business
If you are a large company, then you probably need to maintain several accounts. For example, popular companies like BMW or Mercedes have several Twitter pages for each country. This makes it possible to determine the needs of the target audience for each country.
What to do if your Twitter handle is taken
Your name on Twitter is like a calling card. A beautiful, concise and memorable nickname is the first step in promoting your account. If you use a keyword in your profile name, for example, if you sell Ray Ban glasses, then users will find your account when they search for “Ray Ban”. But what if a name is already taken?
- Use your first and last name, for example, @jane_baker. If the name is taken, then try removing the underscore, adding one or more digits, or leaving only the last name.
- Specify your favorite activity. If you sing, then you can add the word “singer” to your name, for example, @jane_singer. Similarly, use other areas of interest like drawing or writing.
- Add a surname, middle name, or favorite activity so that your nickname is unique.
- Specify a city or region. Add the name of the city, town or state where you live to your name, for example, @jane_brooklyn. If the username is taken, then you can try adding your ZIP code after the name of the city or locality.
- Initials. Instead of a first and last name, use initials in combination with a hobby or a city: @jb_writer. To make it even more unique, add your middle initial: @jab_writer.
- Translation. If all the interesting and memorable variations of the nickname with the name, hobby and city are taken, then try translation. - Instead of @singer, write @chanteur, and instead of @writer, write @ecrivain.
- Additional letter. Add another letter to your first or last name: @janee_newyork. One extra letter will be enough.
- Get creative with numbers. It’s common for people to add their year of birth at the end of their nicknames, but numbers can be used more creatively. For example, a four can replace the letter “A” - @m4ster, @c4t. You can also replace part of a word with a digit. For example, the “to” in the word “tonight”: @2night.
Tips for choosing the right name for your Twitter handle
According to statistics, 200 million Twitter users visit at least one business profile per day. In addition, 42% of users visit the platform several times a day. Therefore, it’s not surprising that marketers view Twitter as a growing and influential marketing channel.
Again, a Twitter nickname is like a business card for any personal or business profile. It displays the subject of your account, and users understand what they will see on the page.
Let’s look at a few tricks to use when choosing a name on Twitter.
Use a relevant name
Your Twitter handle should emphasize your personality and virtual style. The name is usually the first thing that people notice. Twitter names sometimes refer to the type of activity the account is engaged in. A great example is the @designersbooks account. It’s immediately clear what content is published there.

Avoid adding numbers
There are often account names that are difficult to read and remember, which means that they’re not good at promoting the business. Just imagine, if you tell someone to subscribe to your blog, will they be able to remember it and type it later?
For example, take the account @FrankieP325. It is difficult to remember.

Keep it short
It is always worth giving preference to short names. They are easier to remember and bring uniqueness to your page. It is difficult to find such a name, but you can use an online name generator. An ideal example is the @puma account. Easy to remember.

Go with an actionable username
Try to combine your username with words like “get”, “use”, “try”, and “join”. Such words call for action, which means they can increase the reach of your business page. A great example is the name of the application Tweak Box in combination with the word “use”. @usetweakbox.

Give it a local twist
If you own a business that is developing in your region or country, then it would be appropriate to enter the name in the nickname. This way you will be able to reach the target audience in your locality. A great example is the bmwindia profile.

The user name can be seen after the @ symbol. It is called a login. To change the display name, you can find the button under the login or to the left of it, if you’re looking at your news feed. After you change your user name, your personal messages, tweets and followers won’t go anywhere, but you should notify them of the change.
Choosing the right name is not so easy. It should complement your account, be catchy and memorable and not too complex. When choosing a username for Twitter, you shouldn’t settle on the very first one that comes to mind. Think about it a little longer and write down some possible options. If you’re naming a business account or other serious account, avoid all sorts of funny and awkward names, but if, on the contrary, you decide to create a fun, entertaining account, also choose the name accordingly.