How to Increase the activity of your Instagram account

3 min read
17 April 2020

1. Communicate with your audience

The first way of increasing the reach of your Instagram profile is to communicate and interact with your audience. Spur people to communicate. Respond to their comments, talk to followers via Direct.

You can initiate communication using Stories and posts. But you should do it in a creative way. For example, you can make:

  • polls;
  • challenges;
  • quizzes.

2. Work with Comments

Another way to increase the reach of your account is to answer in comments.

There are several rules for it:

  1. Answer to a person’s comment not only using their nickname but also their name. It works very well but very few people do it. For example, someone with the nickname @indigo has commented on your post, and the person’s name is Alex. You can reply like this: “Alex, I totally disagree with you.” It works perfectly.
  2. Like several latest posts of those who text you. It increases their loyalty. Especially, if your number of followers is more than that of the person who texted you or commented on your post.
  3. Ask open questions to comments that people leave under your posts. Ask to spur a person to reply to you. But don’t ask a question just for the sake of asking a question. Try to ask meaningful questions that help initiate a discussion.

3. Give likes to people’s comments

Give likes to comments people leave under your posts. Note that the highest activity is within the first 30 minutes since you have published your post. Your post should start getting likes and comments as soon as possible because you will increase your reach this way.

When you liked someone’s comment, this person gets a notification about it. And there is a high chance that this will spur them to comment back. But don’t give likes to every comment because, first of all, it looks weird and, second, you may get temporarily banned for liking everyone’s comments.

If you text many people via Direct using the same message, Instagram can restrict your access to sending messages for some time after you send several such messages. Sometimes, Instagram doesn’t allow adding links that you are trying to send via Direct messages. Instagram can also do the same thing if you like too many comments. Instagram can regard it as bot activity, so don’t do this. If you give likes comments, do it carefully.

4. Encourage People to Save Posts

The Instagram algorithm rates your posts that were saved or added to favorites very high. It works very well with posts that contain useful material.

But if your post doesn’t have any useful content, then there is no reason for people to save it. In this case, you should better initiate a discussion after publishing your post instead of encouraging people to save it.

5. Posted Create ” to be continued” content

Make rubrics, create such content for your posts and stories that will make people wait for the next publication. For example, you can tell about a personal or work project step by step. Today you just plan it and make stories about it, and tomorrow you start working on its first part, the day after tomorrow – on the second part, etc. It is called an open loop. It is important to make people wait for your next step. You have opened a loop, so a person will feel uncomfortable until they know what will happen at the end.

Increase your reach, increase your Instagram profile activity, earn money on it, position yourself as an expert, and develop your brand.