How to sell any products on Instagram

4 min read
26 May 2022

Step 1: Determine your target audience

The first question you need to answer is who you will sell it to? It is vital to understand your target audience and know the facts about it that are not limited to their age, gender, and location. It is helpful to know who they are, what they want, what they fear, and what their dreams, wishes, worries, and objections are, and to build a detailed persona of your target audience. Most likely, you will have a couple of personas because it is rare to have a narrow and small target audience.

Step 2: find out more about the product

The second question: what are you going to sell? You need to know your product — not just its peculiarities but also how to sell it. It is vital to focus on the product — what it is, what its qualities are, what benefits it gives, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and why people want to buy it. What doubt can people have? You need to know all the subtleties of selling this product to succeed.

Step 3: decide how you are going to sell

You need to inquire with your customer: how do they usually find out about the product, how do they usually buy it — and what is the first point of contact? It is necessary to learn what the usual procedure looks like, how many stages it comprises, what happens at every stage, and when does the process start and finish? How long does the sale usually take? Can you sell outright by showing an advert, or do you need to warm the audience up first? Write down all the possible scenarios and possible variants. Note what happens at every stage, focusing on those where customers might drop out.

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9 secret tips to start selling on Instagram

One of the problems that many bloggers face on Instagram is that they can’t monetize their audience. We are going to talk about selling on Instagram.

Step 4: create the best proposition for the product

You need to understand whether the product is well packaged or not? You need to make a unique selling proposition: present the product in a way that all the strengths are visible, all the weaknesses are hidden so that you cover all the objections that the audience might have. It can be a promotion, a special condition or impressive packaging. In the fourth step, you need to think about the ways to market your product. Not just to talk about how wonderful the product is, but to translate everything into the language of benefits: why it is worth buying, why it is profitable, and what are the bonuses and pluses.

Step 5: find the client

At this step, you need to understand how to find the target audience. For example, in the targeting settings. Are there any ways to find this client, any points of contact? It is necessary to describe how and where you will look for clients in detail and step by step. For example, you will base on the target audience interests or use geotargeting and set up the locations on the map where your target audience is. Or, for example, you will build high reach and run a massive advertising campaign to cover everyone as much as possible, and then you will retarget to find those who are genuinely interested.

Step 6: understand what to show in the advert

You will need to decide what your product advertising will look like? What will you show in your ad? What feelings and emotions will the ad evoke? Will it feature photos, a collage, or an advertising banner? What fresh creative ideas can you offer? What can hook your customers?

Step 7: come up with a strategy

You should write down the next steps. So, you have launched an ad and made a cool creative that works. What’s next? Where should the user go? Will you redirect them to the site or the Instagram account or send a personal message? A person clicks on a link in an ad —so what should happen next? Where does the link redirect them, and what happens after that? Are there any alternative user paths? Is it necessary to lead the user directly to Instagram, or is it better to use other tools? Arrange a brainstorming session and come up with a lot of options.

Step 8: start testing

Now you have an almost ready, planned advertising campaign. You only need to run ads and test. Test all creatives, advertising hypotheses, marketing strategies, various sales funnels, and traffic sources.

By following all these steps, you can sell anything to anyone. The core fact here is how seriously you take analysis, preparation, information search, and work with your target audience and the product.