How to Link Instagram to Facebook

Users often confuse linking their Instagram account to their personal Facebook page with linking it to a Facebook business page (community).

Linking to a personal Facebook page only allows you to share posts from Instagram. However, for utilizing the service effectively, you need to link your Instagram account to a Facebook business page. A business page represents your company or brand on Facebook.

Using a business page, you can run advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.

Before You Start

  • Ensure that your account is a Business account.
    To connect Instagram to a Facebook business page, your Instagram account must be a Business account. If your account is not a professional business account, you should change the account type.

  • Your personal Facebook account must administer the Facebook business page you want to link to your Instagram account.
    More details on obtaining roles for a Facebook business page are in the Facebook instructions.

  • If you don’t have a Facebook business page, you can create one through the Instagram or Facebook app.

Linking through the Instagram App

  1. Go to your Instagram profile.
  2. Select Edit Profile.
  3. In the “Public Business Information” section, select Page.
  4. Tap Create Facebook Page or Connect an Existing Page.
  5. Choose one of your Pages or tap Create Facebook Page.
  6. When finished, tap Done.

Now your business account is linked to your Facebook Page.

Note: If you don’t see the desired Page in the dropdown menu in your profile, you might not be administering it. Check the Page settings to ensure you have permission to add it to your Instagram business profile.

Linking through Facebook

  1. Log into Facebook and switch to the Page you want to connect to your Instagram account.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click Professional Dashboard and select Linked Accounts.
  3. To link an account, click Connect Account. Enter your Instagram username and password