Publication of posts

Import posts in Onlypult

You can import posts in bulk using a CSV file.

Twitter publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the Twitter publication.

YouTube publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the YouTube publication.

GMB publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the GMB publication.

LinkedIn publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the LinkedIn publication.

TikTok publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the TikTok publication.

How to change your Instagram account type

Changing your account type on Instagram can be beneficial in various situations.

How to link Instagram account to Facebook

Linking to a personal Facebook page only allows you to share posts from Instagram

Posting limits

Every social network provides guidelines regarding the frequency of content posting.

Medium publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the Medium publication.

Pinterest publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the Pinterest publication.

Telegram publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the Telegram publication.

WordPress publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the WordPress publication.

Tumblr publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the Tumblr publication.

OK publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the OK publication.

VK publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the VK publication.

Posting with push notifications via the mobile app

To start scheduling posts on Instagram, you need to install the mobile app

First comment

Except publishing a post, you can also add the first comment which will be published automatically together with the post....

Tagging users on photos

You can tag any user on a photo directly via Onlypult. After adding the photo press Edit in the media...

How to use geo tags

To add a geotag of a place where a photo or a video was made to a post when publishing...

How to use default hashtags and your own ones

Specially for you, we have found the most popular hashtags and added them to the separate section to allow you...

Is it possible to publish scheduled posts to a Facebook profile?

Due to the security rules changes, Facebook has deactivated the option of posting on the user's account (for all users)....

How to add a page

To publish a post on a page you should do the following steps

How to add a group

To publish to a group, you should do several steps

How to add the app on Facebook again

You may need to re-add the app in cases when you get the rights to a page or a group...

Facebook publication restrictions and recommendations

A list of restrictions and recommendations for the Facebook publication.

Publication of posts

You can create both single posts and “sets” of them. All the tools to create posts are in the Posting...

Restrictions for posts

Information on what restrictions different social media have for posts.

Automatic post deletion

When creating a post, you can also set the time, after which it will be automatically deleted from the feed....

Delete published post

To delete a published post from a social network page, select the post you need in the feed of a...

Scheduled posts editing

To edit a scheduled post, go to the Posting tab -> Scheduled posts and click the Editing icon (Pencil icon)

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