5 fears of a newbie blogger

4 min read
11 December 2018

We will laugh at them, and everything will be ok.

Having a blog or a page on social media is not as difficult as launching shuttles. You can and need to learn how to do it at any age, and no matter what background you have. After all, each of us started from scratch once, and even the blogger you admire today also used to look sadly at a post which got just a few likes notwithstanding all the effort he had put in it.

Let’s analyze 5 main fears which get in the way of young bloggers. We will understand and win them to make your way to success free of them forever.

Fear of haters

The more you will write, the more commenters will appear. Once a hater will come. Do not be afraid of negative comments. You should photograph the very first comment of this kind, put into a frame and hang on the wall. You can also celebrate this event with champagne.

Why? If negative feedback appears on your page, it means that your audience is getting wider. You are not hiding behind your friends already, you are facing a big and diverse world. And it doesn’t have to be kind to you, it just exists.

How to win:

Just in case read about haters and methods against them in advance. Even we have already written more than once: https://onlypult.com/en/blog/how-to-use-haters-for-self-promotion

Do not focus only on negative feedback. Imagine that you are a world star. Do numerous everyday comments stop them? They go on doing their job, that’s why even hundreds of displeased people on social media cannot depreciate it. So, do the same.

A brilliant blogger Kristina Kuzmic says that someone else’s hatred is not your cross to bear.

Fear of being yourself

Do not be afraid of expressing your own opinion. If everybody rushes to write about the harm of vaccination, selfies, and sugar, but you think they are useful — write about it and do not be afraid. There will be many comments and discussions, and deluges of criticism against you. And this is excellent.

How to win:

Keep in your mind that the more comments you get, the more popular the post is. If you have strong nerves, you can even specialize in scandal posts.

And by the way, wait a bit, and you will find many people who will not only support you but also will respect you for courage and self-assurance.

Fear of emulating

Choose a blogger which you like, find the most popular post (a post which is liked, commented, and reposted most of all) and write something like this yourself.

N.B.: make not a repost, but a retelling. Remember how you wrote narrative texts at school, in which you needed to retell a part of a text. And now you have more freedom. Add your favorite anecdote, a phrase from a film or quote from a book if you do not want to make up something new. And you should not be confused by emulating.

How to win:

Look at emulating a little bit differently — do not regard it as plagiarism. It is a good and useful stage that everybody goes through. That is the only way to find your own style.

Here the only thing is most important: you yourself should be literally thrilled with what you have written. In this case, the post will be vibrant and attract attention, that is why choose the topic to carefully: use only those topics that are very close to you and those you have something to tell on.

Fear of taking breaks

The time will come when you get tired and fed up with everything and want to have an Internet detox. It is a common thing. And it is necessary to be done. If you do not post anything, nobody will unfollow, but if you are tired and make bad posts, you are at risk to lose your followers.

How to win:

Not to disappear for too long schedule your posts in advance: there should be a little lead time of a week or two. Create an archive where you will collect posts for a rainy day: ideas, pictures, drafts, and templates. Let them all be kept in one place waiting in the wings even if now they seem unfinished. They will be handy when you experience a writer’s block.

Fear of posting after a fail

Of course, you will experience failures and will not feel good. You will not have many likes, but instead will face negative comments, disappointed followers, and even unfollow notifications. But each time you will have to come back to posting again and again, going on writing, publishing and communicating. All the same as in real life.

How to win:

Post like nobody sees your posts. The winner is the one who does not care about opinions and write what he wants. So, write a post right now. We believe in you!