Social Media Marketing Articles

2 min read

Microworld creatures on Instagram

Sally Warring is a microbiologist from New York University. A year ago she started her microworld creatures blog on Instagram about tiny seaweeds, infusoria and the like.

4 min read

Why you should start making videos

Instagram has changed seriously for the year of 2017. Having launched Stories, it did not just enable new ways to publish posts and advertising but also became competitive enough with Snapchat. Everybody has almost forgotten about Periscope, which made a great fuss because Live broadcasting is now available on Instagram - even together with other users.

3 min read

Instagram “smart” feed and how to outwit it

Every day hundreds thousands of accounts generates millions of publications on Instagram. Sometimes relevant content is very difficult to find, even more difficult when you follow more than a hundred accounts. But thanks to algorithms, those days are over.

5 min read

5 basic rules of a successful Instagram account

Well, you have created your Instagram account. What’s next? Convert all your content to pictures of goods and services? Flood your page with memes and funny videos and mix them up with posts which help you sell? Comment posts of your competitors’ followers?

3 min read

Exemplary Instagram account: Nike’s secret of success and Mastercard’s leftover pie

SMM specialists are used to regard famous brands as examples of how to manage an Instagram account. It’s like “act as Nike or Mastercard and you will make a success”. Let’s figure out how Instagram accounts of big companies really function and which of them look really successful (and which of them — not).

2 min read

Where to find free images

In our previous article we told you that any image on the internet is subject to copyright and property rights. Copyright belongs to the author, it means that it is obligatory to indicate who made the image you are going to post. Property rights determine if you can use someone else’s picture and how much you need to pay for it.

4 min read

How Instagram photography's authorship works

Instagram users often speak of photographic copyright. They usually argue on someone having breached anyone else’s rights, stolen or illegally published something or misappropriated the authorship. We have figured out how photographic copyright works on Instagram and how to publish pictures without any risk of their deletion or being sued.

2 min read

Horrible Passengers

American stewardess Shawn Kathleen owned an account in which she showed the disgusting habits of airline passengers. In the pictures posted at @passengershaming she shows passengers stretching their legs by placing their feet on the headrests of passengers seated in front of them, secretly watching porn, engaging in acrobatic yoga in the aisle, littering and even having sex.

2 min read

The Real San Francisco

An American photographer Burton Rast has finished his Shapes of San-Francisco 100-day photo project. Every day Burton made photos of a typical building focusing on its shape. He used iPhone for making all the photos and Lightroom mobile app for processing them.

2 min read

Hacker attacks via Instagram

Common problems on Instagram include spam comments or inappropriate private messages. However, there are much more dangerous things on the social network lurking below the surface.