Onlypult Blog — social media tips, news, interesting cases, and useful updates

2 min read

Quantity becomes quality: how often should you make posts to save your followers?

Organic reach on Instagram goes on decreasing, and now it’s important to know not also about how to write posts but also how often to publish them.

3 min read

Brand ambassador or influencer: whom to choose

Back in the day, contextual advertising turned out to be much more efficient than print one: whether billboards and articles in magazines or handing out flyers. The world changes and advertising methods change together with it. People spend more and more time on social media and are used to not noticing advertising on the news feed. How to reach out to them?

4 min read

Onlypult + Pieta: saving lives

Onlypult has been cooperating with organizations worldwide, which make a better world, for many years already. One of such organizations is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Pieta House is a charity that provides free services to people at risk of suicide or self-harm, and who have been bereaved by suicide.

3 min read

Generation Z are your future customers. Who are they and how to reach out to them?

While marketing specialists have been thinking about how to interest millennials known as Generation Y, born at the turn of the millennium, from 1981 to 2000, the new generation has grown up. This is Generation Z.

4 min read

How to make a 5-minute weekly content plan

Success is not luck but the result of good planning and hard work. Planning helps reach the target gradually, step by step. It concerns almost every kind of work but this article tells about making a content plan.

Onlypult — one control panel for social media
3 min read

Maximum reach: how to make posts which your followers can’t ignore

Hiring a copywriter to make texts can be expensive, especially when it comes to social networks. You would think: what is so difficult about making a post? You choose a relevant picture, write several lines - and done. But this all looks simple only at first sight. This is really different when it comes to the very posting, and many questions arise.

4 min read

Witness Change + Onlypult: making a better world

Its In My World campaign highlights issues about people suffering from mental diseases all around the world: it aims to make us see, hear and appreciate such people. Photo and video stories are published on Instagram and on the website of the organization.

3 min read

How to use Instagram highlights efficiently

In October 2017, Instagram started testing Highlights – the feature of "everlasting Stories", which gave new opportunities for showing content. The feature became available to everybody only in December and still has been one of the most actual and interesting novelties of the Service.

2 min read

Microworld creatures on Instagram

Sally Warring is a microbiologist from New York University. A year ago she started her microworld creatures blog on Instagram about tiny seaweeds, infusoria and the like.

4 min read

Why you should start making videos

Instagram has changed seriously for the year of 2017. Having launched Stories, it did not just enable new ways to publish posts and advertising but also became competitive enough with Snapchat. Everybody has almost forgotten about Periscope, which made a great fuss because Live broadcasting is now available on Instagram - even together with other users.