Onlypult Blog — social media tips, news, interesting cases, and useful updates
Advertising on Instagram: how to find and choose a blogger
If you promote your Instagram account and understand that it is growing slower than you would want it to, then buying advertising from bloggers can be a helpful tool.
How to Take Good Instagram Pictures with Your Phone - 36 Best Tips
You don’t have to be a professional photographer to do well on Instagram. These days, smartphone cameras can offer surprisingly good quality and pose competition to DSLR cameras. With some tips and lots of practice, you can quickly learn how to shoot like a pro.
How to Increase Social Media Engagement
Engagement is essential for any brand or influencer on social media. At its core, it shows whether you're actually making an impact with your content.
Cross-posting: How to do it Right
Cross-posting is a type of publication when you make the same post on different social networks. Of course, at first sight, it seems very easy to make the same posts: it provides the activity of your other accounts and helps reach a big audience with one click.
What is Instagram going to be like in 2020?
If you want to boost your Instagram reach, you need to know which tools are working already, and which are going to work in the coming years.
The art of taking selfies
As shown by Instagram Analytics, the third most popular hashtag of this social network is #me. As for #selfies hashtags, there are more than 16 million publications with it on Instagram. According to the Oxford dictionary, in 2013 “selfie” became the word of the year. However, even after time, the term has not lost its relevance. We decided to tell you about what a proper selfie is and how to stand out from millions.
A story of one Instagram. Sexy Dr.evanantin
Our rubric “A story of one Instagram” and a new hero that has become popular just in the last year. This sexy vet from the US and his very emotional account.
A story of one Instagram. Kabuki
Takatoshi Horikoshi, who is known by his pseudonym Ebizo Ichikawa XI, is an actor of the ancient Japanese theatre Kabuki. On his Instagram account he talks about traditions of this theatre, makeup colors and the life behind the scenes. It’s “One Instagram account story” column.
5 secrets to Instagram success
In the era of content marketing, everyone is talking about the fact that the success of a blog directly depends on the quality of its content. It does, but for some reason everyone started to forget about the technical side of things. After all, even cherry pie can be made with fresh or frozen berries. And the first one will definitely get more positive feedbacks, despite all the efforts of the chef. We decided to tell you about five criteria of a successful photo for your Instagram account.
A story of one Instagram. Cory Richards
“One Instagram account story” column continues. Today we are talking about an Instagram account of one of the most famous modern photographers. Cory Richards is a National Geographic photographer and filmmaker. At the age of 14 a simple American boy quit the school and actually found himself without a roof over his head. He decided to dedicate his fate to his favorite hobby of photography and mountains.