Onlypult Blog — social media tips, news, interesting cases, and useful updates
How to develop your Instagram profile
Let’s start not with technical but strategical issues. Before you start creating the bio, think of who you are. It is necessary to be sure about the field you are an expert in.
How to promote on Instagram with the help of giveaways
There is an organizer and a media person who announce something like this: "Follow all the 100 pages I am following, and then you will stand a good chance winning an iPhone, Mercedes, etc."
8 tips for writing good texts on social networks
Use your visual perception. It is a curious technique. Every time you start writing, find an object to look at. It can be a wall, a piece of furniture, a book, or something else.
How to create a YouTube channel: Beginner’s guide
If you think that YouTube is all about making videos from time to time lying on the couch and doing nothing else – then you are completely wrong.
How onboarding can help promote on a social network
No matter how good your product is, new users of your website or app need some time to get used to it and explore all functions.
Instagram masks in Stories: creation and promotion
Instagram masks are an augmented reality feature. You might have already come across them when making Stories and applying filters: rabbit ears, 3D make up, etc.
14 main mistakes when styling and promoting your Instagram account
We are going to tell you about the most common and unfortunate mistakes that you can easily avoid when creating an account on Instagram.
Making audit of your Instagram business profile: how to knock it out of the park
The visual part of your business profile is the face of the company. Exactly. If you develop your Instagram carelessly and sometimes even forget to make publications, then you shouldn't think of any successful promotion on social networks.
How to increase stories reach in 10 minutes
Nowadays, the most important thing about content is the skill of attracting audiences and making people choose you and watch your stories, not thousands of other channels, shows, TV series, etc.
The future of marketing: how to sell to generation Y and Z representatives
Each of these generations has its specificities, behavior peculiarities, and a unique type of interaction with society.