Onlypult Blog — social media tips, news, interesting cases, and useful updates

11 min read

What’s new: what kind of updates 2020 has brought to us in respect to social media

More functional, more convenient, more attractive – these are the main principles for social media developers when they make new updates struggling for customers’ interest.

3 min read

Check-list: how to run Instagram live streams

Here is our step-by-step guide that will help you to prepare for running an Instagram live stream. Read and check for yourself!

7 min read

Who might be blocked on Instagram: 5 reasons and ways to protect yourself

Instagram users often talk about how unpredictable and demanding Instagram algorithms are. Especially, it concerns those who run a blog professionally, promote a business, and monetize the efforts.

4 min read

7 things a YouTuber should not do

Expect that improvisation will work You cannot rely on improvisation, especially if you are new to YouTube. You should always plan everything well before recording a video and write a script every time.

5 min read

How to write posts on Instagram

If you want your followers to trust you, buy your services and products, and invite you to certain events, check the facts you mention in your posts.

Onlypult — one control panel for social media
9 min read

How to create viral content

We have saved you some time and made a step-by-step guide for creating viral content that will help you and make it easier. Follow our guide, make experiments, and may the force be with you!

4 min read

How to sell through social networks?

Social networks can sell – it is an indisputable fact. And you should bear it in mind because it has been proved by thousands of businesses that were built on social networks, and by millions of businesses, for which social networks are the main source of income.

10 min read

How to start using Tumblr: beginner’s guide

In 2019 Tumblr won the biggest International Internet award Webby Awards for Best Online Community. It is hardly the first time for the platform to claim a victory in this category. This clearly shows that, even with the rapid development of Instagram and other social media, it still remains very popular.

3 min read

How to Increase the activity of your Instagram account

The first way of increasing the reach of your Instagram profile is to communicate and interact with your audience. Spur people to communicate.

7 min read

Viral content on social media

In the previous article, we have already discussed what the difference between viral and standard content is and why everyone is so obsessed with it. We have brought examples of some viral materials, but today it is going to be even better – we have prepared the most successful viral cases on social networks. Learn from successful examples and get ready to start: here we go!