Onlypult Blog — social media tips, news, interesting cases, and useful updates
7 common mistakes when working with bloggers and how to avoid them
The first mistake is sending an advertisement as a voice message because it shows your disrespect to the bloggers and their time. It may be inconvenient for a person to listen to your audio messages— thus, they are inappropriate in business correspondence.
How to find and hire a good SMM manager?
In our article, we will discuss six criteria you should bear in mind looking for an SMM specialist. They will also be helpful when an SMM specialist contacts you and offers services.
Facebook groups: rules for businesses
When promoting a business on social media, not all business owners pay due attention to Facebook groups. This way of communicating with clients and target audiences should be considerably high on the agenda of the SMM department. In our article, we will tell you about how businesses can benefit from a Facebook group.
How to increase your Story reach: 10 ways
Instagram is interested in making as much money as possible on you. It wants you to spend as much time on the app as possible. Your time is its money. Therefore, all your interactions in Stories are crucial for the Instagram algorithm
Autumn updates
Hey, friends! The season of hot updates keeps going! You probably have already heard about our new mobile app for iOS. Now we have something else for you — something very special! We are excited to introduce…
YouTube SEO: How to Optimize YouTube Videos [Checklist]
Today, videos are becoming the most popular content, and YouTube takes second place in the most popular social networks list. As a result, more and more people are interested in creating video content, and viewers are still interested in watching the most exciting clips. Thus, SEO YouTube algorithms are developing, and they become different from regular SEO.
News on Video Platforms: June — November
Video platforms have long been a full-scale part of the marketing strategy for many businesses. After all, as they say, а picture is worth a thousand words. The human brain perceives visual information much easier. In addition, the video makes it easier for all of us to imagine ourselves as happy owners of the product.
How bloggers and brands can run successful streams: a review of Onlypult Streaming
Live streams are not designed only for gamers. Bloggers and brands often use this tool to build a trust-based dialogue with the audience and increase customer loyalty to the product of a brand or offered service.
Where to get high-quality content for social networks?
When we say that we need to post content on Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, or any other social network, the question of where to get the information arises immediately. Many people have a brain freeze or a desire to copy this information from the Internet — not to waste either time or money.
Instagram for Business: Tips to Grow Your Audience
How to gain followers on Instagram is a question that interests business owners, novice bloggers, and marketers. The algorithms of the social network are constantly changing. Ways that helped before don't work anymore and can even be harmful. Thus, mass liking and mass following are quite questionable methods to attract your audience, however, there are certain nuances to consider.