Social Media Marketing News

14 min read

Social media news review for the first half of 2021

Every day brings different events into the world of social media: websites are forging ahead, adding more and more new functions. Do you want to stay tuned to the latest news? We have summed it up for you.

3 min read

New Instagram feed – what to expect?

On March 15 the message about the global changes in the social network appeared on the official blog of Instagram. These changes apply to an algorithm of post displaying: now the publication will be released not in strictly reverse chronological order, but will be sorted by popularity. This means that the order of the posts will be similar to Facebook. Let’s figure out if this is good or bad!

5 min read

Review of the most interesting updates on social networks

Social networks monitor users’ preferences regularly and release new updates to satisfy their changing needs. We have reviewed the most useful new features on social networks that have been recently released.

8 min read

New features of Facebook-owned apps

The Facebook Company regularly updates its social networks and some other apps and messengers that are controlled by Facebook by making adjustments and adding other interesting functions.

11 min read

What’s new: what kind of updates 2020 has brought to us in respect to social media

More functional, more convenient, more attractive – these are the main principles for social media developers when they make new updates struggling for customers’ interest.

Onlypult — one control panel for social media
9 min read

Facebook and Instagram news digest: May 2019

Facebook used people instead of AI, Facebook will be sharing their video advertising income with users, and there are 4 questions on Instagram QUIZ now.

4 min read

Facebook F8: a short summary for those who have missed it

April 30 – May 1, 2019, Facebook held the F8 annual conference. The changes which Mark Zuckerberg announced was a great surprise to everyone, both for those whose job relates to SMM and common users who had chosen Facebook to communicate.

5 min read

Facebook and Instagram event digest: April 2019

April 1 - The announcement of the Why am I seeing this post? feature on Facebook April 1 - Law cases April 5 - Facebook announced disabling 7 advertising metrics. The changes will take effect on April 30, 2019 April 11 - …

3 min read

Facebook against sex

Today on our blog we have some very important information to share, which will make some of you feel sad. Our beloved Facebook has cracked down on sexual harassment and renewed the related section of its Policy. Now you can discuss all issues related to sexual harassment and violation but you cannot post anything which may spur to sexual relations.

3 min read

Instagram today: demographic data

This article is useful for all who want to boost their Instagram organic reach or just prepare an advertising campaign. It is time to clarify what kind of people use this social network today. If you understand the demographic situation, you will also understand how to deal with these users, what they are interested in, and what content is the best for them. Literally: “Upgrade your page and make it more successful”.