Social Media Marketing Articles

2 min read

Instagram Anti-Trends in 2024

Frames have become an out-of-date trend. Choose your photos with the correct dimensions for Instagram. Your account is not your portfolio. If you want your followers to see the picture in its full size — show a preview on Instagram and upload all your other photos in any dimensions to your website.

3 min read

7 principles I understood when I got 200 subscribers on YouTube

When your blog has a lot of subscribers (for example, 200K), you can choose the topics that interest you and that have nothing to do with YouTube or the main topic of your channel.

8 min read

Instagram algorithms 2024

In June the social network’s developers published the first article covering algorithm details. We decided to gather all information available on posts and Stories ranking on Instagram. It may help you grow your blog more efficiently.

11 min read

Instagram Algorithm: How It Works & How to Beat It in 2024

Whenever a user decides to open Instagram and check their feed, a lot of content is already there. And every time, it's the Instagram algorithm that determines which posts would be interesting and relevant for the specific user in their Instagram feed.

8 min read

Instagram shadowban in 2024: How to remove and avoid it

A shadowbanned Instagram account is like the life of Robinson Crusoe on a desert island: profile author posts content, but no one can see posts, stories, live broadcasts, and other activities. Only the most loyal fans who intentionally go to the profile to see what's new and why their favorite user is missing from the usual story circles can do it.

Onlypult — one control panel for social media
9 min read

What social networks to choose for promotion in 2024?

The key moment when working out a Social Media Management strategy for a business is to choose a platform. Let’s review the future of social networks in 2024.

4 min read

Instagram Stories: How to Increase the Reach and Promote your Instagram profile in 2024

If you don't post Stories and only post in the feed, you limit the profit that you can get from your profile. When the users visit your account and see that there are no Stories, they will think that this is a dead account that does not publish new content.

6 min read

How to Create an Instagram Content Plan: the Top 10 Tips for Developing the Best Content Plan

These days Instagram is more than just a platform for uploading photos. Instagram, before anything else, is about content. Good content must have a purpose. Content must exist for some other reason than because someone wanted to create it. It must have a goal. Good content is practical. It provokes a variety of emotions from the audience and tells a story.

6 min read

Is it worth starting a YouTube channel in 2024?

For companies, the main tool for promotion is their website. And bloggers grow their audience on Instagram and TikTok. But both businesses and influencers can effectively increase their audience through their YouTube channel. In this article, we will cover the advantages of YouTube and the usage of its features in 2024.

6 min read

Are you looking for someone to delegate Instagram posting to: 6 feed planners in 2024

Instagram feed planners are vital for everyone working with multiple social networks and media or running two or more projects simultaneously. They facilitate regular posting and help analyze published content.