Social Media Marketing Guides

3 min read

How to save posts on Instagram?

The number of your Instagram post likes and comments are no longer the crucial popularity indices. Now only the number of saves shows the content usefulness level and success.

3 min read

How to delete a TikTok account

You have made your decision to delete your TikTok account. There are a few ways to do it. In our guide, we are going to review each of them.

4 min read

How to delete a Facebook account

A Facebook profile can be deleted either through a smartphone or PC. Let’s consider both methods.

3 min read

How to delete an Instagram account

On the surface, deleting your Instagram account is not so easy. The social network does not want to lose users, so there is an account freeze function as an alternative to permanently deleting the page.

11 min read

How to make a target audience portrait?

When the project is inspired by a great idea, there is no time to think: you should launch the project. But the reality is harsh; it is estimated that 70-90% of venture startups fail. The number of failed startups is constantly replenished with products that the market doesn’t need, and ideas that don’t solve the real problems of real users.

Onlypult — one control panel for social media
2 min read

How to turn off Instagram likes

The feature of hiding likes on Instagram has finally become available. The testing period for users in different countries has lasted for almost two years.

6 min read

A guide to guides: how to create Instagram guides and why business needs them + step-by-step instructions

Instagram guides are a relatively new format allowing you to create thematic collections of posts. Guides appeared in May 2020 and were used by a selected number of authors at first; by autumn 2020, they were already available to all users.

5 min read

Low-frequency tags on Instagram: why and how to use them

On Instagram, hashtags are one of the free methods to promote your posts. Today, it is believed that hashtags aren’t effective anymore: followers don’t click on them as often as they used to. Despite this belief, hashtags still work and can help you attract free traffic. You just need to know how to use them correctly.

3 min read

Instagram Nametags: how to make them and what for

Instagram Nametag is similar to a QR-code that helps users find your account. You don’t have to spell your Instagram name anymore.

12 min read

YouTube Video Channel: Ultimate Starting Guide for Beginners

Lately, views on the YouTube service have increased by 30%, according to the speakers of Yoola Influencer’s Data. The reason for it is the pandemic that resulted in the lockdown and shift to remote work.